πŸ’š Happy Thanksgiving from KSimon Photography!
Lifestyle Family Portrait | Metro Atlanta Based Lifestyle, Business, & Fashion Photographer | Portrait Studio and Outdoor | ksimonphotography.com | Β© KSimon Photography, LLC

Greetings, beautiful people! The holiday season is upon us!

From KSimon Photography and my family to you and yours, have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving! Let us be thankful for what we have, the family we love, the friends we cherish, and the blessings to come.

Keep looking up and make the best of this holiday season,

Kimberly (Kim) πŸ’š

πŸ“· Metro Atlanta Lifestyle Content Creator | Wellness. Tech. Business. Leisure.

KSimon Photography will be closed Nov 26 - 30 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will reopen on Dec 2. Be sure to sign up and take advantage our Limited Edition Gift Deal Days now until Nov 30!